White Christain Nationalism (WCN) - is a growing threat to our democracy, and hateful words spoken in the name of someone's god at a government meeting, is not only unconstitutional, but a push to establish one religion as the national religion. We are NOT a Christain nation.

Please view the movie, 'God and Country', which exposes the WCN movement. Available on Prime and elsewhere.

Besides reporting these decisive and bigoted instances at the state level, folks living outside of Phoenix need to speak up and keep our state and country secular and inclusive.

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It's important to identify and call out bigoted "representatives." Who and what do they purport to represent? Their interpretation of faith, their brand of religion, their plan to force Christianity on the entire country. These are the Christian Nationalists among us. We must identify them and publish their names, beliefs, views...in fact, their roles in a vast, well-funded network of people with a plan already underway.

This network is everywhere. It operates more obviously in Arizona as Turning Point in Phoenix. But it's in our small communities, too, where town council and school board members are injecting their religious beliefs into their governance. They're quoting scripture from the dais. They're denigrating minorities. They're not representing the people they were elected to represent.

They're sneaking in Christian Nationalism without admitting it. Please continue to report on these people. And here's a tip: Look into Fountain Hills.

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